Contact us
Where can you find us?
- 172 Avenue Robert Schuman 1401 Baulers (Nivelles) Belgium
- Tel.: +32 (0)2 366 24 24
- Fax: +32 (0)2 366 22 42
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Do you have any questions about our chocolates or need further information on our products and services? Would you like to share a new recipe idea with us? Complete the contact form below. Our team will review your request and respond as soon as possible.
Our team

General Management
Jean-Jacques de Gruben

Maximilien Philippe

Marketing & Communication
Géraldine Verbruggen

Production & Purchasing
Emilie Dewandre

Administration & Finance
Caroline Jolly

Sales administration and logistics
Sophie Filali

Marketing & Communication
Charlotte Louis

Solène Malicet